What Is Koa Js ?

Kavindu Perera
2 min readMay 15, 2022

The team behind express developed Koa.js, an open-source Node.js web framework. The framework aspires to provide a smaller, more expressive, and more robust base for web applications and APIs, according to its official website. Koa makes use of asynchronous functions to reduce the requirement for callbacks and improve error handling. Koa’s core does not include any middleware. It offers an improved set of ways for speeding up and exciting the server-building process.

Let’s get practical and explore how to develop a small server using Koa.js now that we have a better understanding of what it is and some of its features.

Create a new directory for your application first, then use the terminal to navigate to that directory and start it.

npm init

Making a Node.js package

Then run Koa.js to install it.

npm i koa

After that, use your favorite code editor to navigate to the index file in your app’s directory and write the code below to create the server.

const koa = require(‘koa’)
const app = new koa()

app.listen(2400, () => {console.log(‘Server running at PORT 2400’)})

Import the koa module and call the listen to method to construct the server. Run node ‘name of your index file’ in the console to start the server.

Koa.js is a new Node.js framework that has been used by a number of well-known enterprises throughout the world. Anyone interested in trying out a new framework should look into Koa.js.

